A WONDERFUL must-read about the Alkaline Diet and cancer!

Healthy Life Harbinger

Forgive me for not being able to post the past few months. My mom was diagnosed with Non Hodgin’s Lymphoma in June – needless to say it has been a roller coaster. Currently, she’s doing well…she has less cancer! There will be more blogging about it, but for now, I wanted to not only send holiday wishes your way to let you know I haven’t forgotten about you, but also to post what has helped Mom with her cancer.

This is VERY important information! Even if you don’t have or don’t know anyone who has cancer today, you might tomorrow, so PLEASE save this link, print it out and SHARE it with others – it could save someone’s LIFE!

You can do this along with conventional, so there is no excuse not to get started. Whether someone is stage 1 or stage 4, START DOING THESE THINGS. My mom was…

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Top Documentary


I LOVE this site!  It has many different topics.  I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend looking through the health videos and watching one each week.  I never encourage watching television…but I highly encourage watching these documentaries.  It is good for the brain, and some of these health videos might save your life with information that your doctors would have never told you about…

Movies of special interest to the Alkaline Diet:

Food Matters

Burzinski, the movie: Cancer is Serious Business

Dying To Have Known

The Beautiful Truth

Prescription For Disaster


Natural News

I have grown to really depend on this news site for current information about what is going on at the forefront of fighting for medical freedom an America.  Sometimes, I don’t know how Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) can go on (the news about what happens in our legal and health institutions is often disappointing and upsetting), but his articles are usually credibly sourced, and his information about natural health remedies and cancer-fighting foods is always extremely educational and very useful for people who want to increase longevity and live disease-free.


Mark’s Daily Apple

success stories2 1

This is a great source for additional information about healthy eating and making better lifestyle changes!   Mark Sisson’s mission statement is not an exageration of what it means to have optimum health.  Changing your diet to a whole food, predominately alkaline, organic one is critical to achieving optimum health…at any age. 

Mark Sisson 5

To see Mark’s blog, go here:  http://www.marksdailyapple.com/about-2/mark-sisson/